Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And so the Senior Activities Begin...

Tomorrow is Andrew's Ring Ceremony at his school tomorrow morning. I just finished ironing his "garb" for the occasion and just started crying! Needless to say I didn't need the spray bottle to finish his shirt. They weren't sad tears but they were "What the hell happened" tears. I found myself wondering how I got to this point. My child will be receiving his class ring tomorrow! Wow!!!

I couldn't help but think of my parents and how proud they would be. Andrew was the light of their lives...especially my mothers! So tonight as I iron my Andrew's clothes for his big day tomorrow, I have my parents on my mind. These are the times that I wish they could be here enjoying this special moment with Andrew. I know in my heart that they are with him in spirit.

Gene and I are took the day off for the big ceremony. I already told Gene that we have to get there extra early so I can get a good seat! This is about me now and I want to make sure I get a decent seat so I can take tons of pictures. Gene does not argue with me anymore because he knows how I am. My family tells me that I have a touch of OCD and even though I tell them I do not, I really do. Things have to be just so in my life and if they are not, someone will have to suffer for it! So Gene and Andrew have just learned to straighten out and fly right when it comes to my OCD.

I will be posting picture tomorrow on Andrew's Blog, so stay tuned. I already packed my box of tissue and made sure my camera has new batteries. I told Andrew that I won't make a scene and he just rolled his eyes. He saw the box of Kleenex and said under his breath, "I'm in trouble now!"

And to my beautiful sister... I wish you could be here tomorrow, but I will take tons of pictures and send them to you. I will give you a play by play of the day when you call me on your way home from work. You should see your nephew's outfit! He looks absolutely smashing and I could not help but think, "Mijo sure got his fashion sense from his Tia!" You know he loves you more than his shoes!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I really can't take pictures of how I am feeling these days so no pictures at the beginning of my post will be found. All I can share is that I am not handling changes in my life very well and I am usually one who loves change. Hell, I moved to Santa Fe leaving the only state I had ever lived in!

I think it all started when my principal, Sr. Phyllis announced that she would be leaving our school back in March. Now, I have been teaching for a very long time and have been through many a principal. You get used to the new one and life moves on. So when Sr. Phyllis announced she was leaving I about dropped my Rosary. I was so would think as long as I have been teaching and have gone through 9 principals I would be able to handle this change like a champ... NOPE, not a chance. I cried and was very sad for a long time. Why was I having a tough time with this? This is the question I would ask myself daily. I just enjoyed working with her and finally found a principal that was true to her profession and calling.

It finally hit me this morning when my sister Lisa made a post on her blog about my niece Isabella entering Pre-K. BONK!! It hit like a ton of bricks... too many changes and my emotions can't keep up with these changes.

First, Andrew enters his Senior year and I am having some issues with that. Senior Class ring, Senior Pictures, Senior Fees, ACT and SAT registration, college applications and having to go to a parent meeting for their senior student! My head is spinning and not even my favorite BOTTLE (not a glass mind you) of wine can cure it. Andrew already has "senioritis" and I am losing control. My poor son... I just tell him to be patient with me...I am going to be up and down all through his senior year.

Lisa posted pictures of my precious Bella in her Pre-K class! My baby is going to be in Kindergarten next year! And then my little Maggie is already speaking in sentences. We were so worried about her not talking and within weeks she is just blabbing away. When I talk to her on the phone she answers, "Hi Te-Te (Tia) I love you." Oh my Lord, my head is spinning and I am unable to put head between my knees to breathe! I guess I will have to lose 50 pounds in order to put my head between my knees... another change! Someone find Father Time and slash his tires!!!

The thing that makes me laugh (once I have 2 or 3 glasses of wine in my system) is that I always welcomed change with open arms. That is why I love fashion so much... every year there is a different style of of clothing, colors, handbags, shoes and make up. I would buy all the fashion magazines in the summer to see what Fall Fashions were in style for the season... now I find myself buying Family Circle, Women's Day, Good Housekeeping and Martha Stewart Living.

So for the meantime, I take each day slowly and cuss out Father Time on a daily basis and am just hanging onto life with both hands. I do thank God each day for my sister Lisa because she listens to me rant and rave about change and she just listens and will laugh at my comments on life. I don't know how I get through my days without our daily chats on the phone! That is definitely one thing that can never change!

My wonderful son already sharing his political views on his T-Shirt... I am so proud of him and of his liberal way of thinking.

My beautiful Pre-K Bella... she is the apple of her Tia's eye!

My beautiful sister and my precious Maggie dancing away! They were grooving to a great song together.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Day!!

Today is my father's 75th birthday and I could not help but think of him throughout the day. Lisa and I were on the phone with one another this morning and we both were feeling the void of not being able to call dad to wish him a Happy Birthday. I am so glad that I have my sister in my life... she is the one who grounds me and gives me a strength about life that I don't think she is aware of... she reminds me of my father constantly... Lisa is a lot like my dad. She has his humor, quick wit, and wonderful sense of self.

My dad was not detailed at all... he was always telling my mother, "Get to the point Helen," and it would drive her mad. My mother was detailed and you would never know what her story was about because she went into great detail about the situation and it eventually became a satire. I am like my mother... Lisa is like dad... straight to the point and can give you that one line zinger that will bust you up! No one can make me laugh like Lisa. She is a constant reminder of my father and that is what I love so much about her... she does the same thing to her husband Albert... always reminding him to "Get to the point Al!" I just love it!!!

Dad died suddenly 3 years ago. Lisa and I were talking about that this morning... he was ready to leave this planet... he was tired and I believe he missed my mother very much. They drove one another nuts, but they had a unique relationship that I am still trying to figure out. We were sadden by my father's death, but we knew that he was ready. He confided in Lisa a lot. He told her he was tired and ready to go. They really had such a bond and no one could get through to my dad like Lisa. He was a stubborn old fool and Lisa was the only one who could make him laugh hard and then he would tell her she was right. He never told anyone they were right. He thought most people were full of.... but he didn't think that of Lisa. He admired her honestly and directness. My father lives through Lisa and that brings such comfort to me...

I can go on and on about my father... his crazy but honest life. His love for history living an honest and truthful life, his grandson Andrew and new granddaughter Isabella (he never met my little Maggie), his knives (like I said, my dad was a bit nuts), and his great love for music. But what I will remember most about my father is his one-liners... Here are just a few:

~Silence is Golden
~You people are always late!
~Tell them to go to Hell mija!
~I wasn't talking to you!
~What do you care what people think of you...
~Shut up and listen!
~The truth always hurts...
~Be honest with people weather they want to hear it or not.

These are just a few of his one-liners that I keep close to my heart. Thank you Dad! I miss you more than my luggage!!


Andrew and and his "Papa" at Christmas Eve 2004. It was the last Christmas we spent with dad.

Dad with Bella. He just adored his little granddaughter and loved that she