Sunday, October 26, 2008

Say Hello to Limoncello!

Gene and I bought a bottle of Limoncello at Trader Joe's last night and was it ever yummy but potent! I have always been curious about Limoncello after watching Samantha Brown's Getaway Travel Show on the Travel Channel . She visited Sorrento Italy and met the master of Limoncello making. She visited his Lemon orchard which are known to make the best Limoncello. Then one day I was watching The View and Danny DeVito was on the show and he was drunk! He said he had been drinking Limoncello the night before with George Clooney. He said they had shared a bottle together. I thought, "How can anyone get drunk with a few glasses of alcohol mixed with lemon"... Gene and I now understand why.

We bought a bottle of Villa Massa Limoncello and it is made with Sorrento Lemons. We just had a small shot and POW! It is tangy and it warms your body as the liqueur goes down your throat. One glass was all we needed for the night. I felt warm and tangy the rest of night. I even called my sister close to midnight to ask her a question and didn't even realize what time it was. I woke her up and could not apologize enough to her. Needless to say both Gene and I slept like babies. I have decided that Limoncello is my new drink! You can mix it with Champagne and also make desserts with it. Isn't that a hoot!

I like discovering new types of drinks. Having a 17 year old one needs to be a little numb to get through the daily challenges of raising a teenager. Things like chocolate, wine, waffles with strawberries, and now Limoncello do help to get me though those challenging days. So, if you have not experience Limoncello, I recommend you do. If you are stressed at work, your husband is getting on your nerves, your kids are driving you bonkers or you just need to celebrate another day of living, Limoncello is the drink for you! So to you my dear friends, Salude! Have a great Sunday and if you have a chance to get to Trader Joes, pick up a bottle of Villa Massa Limoncello, put it in the freezer, and pour a small glass for yourself or mix it with a glass of champagne and everything will come up roses, or should I say Lemons!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Upton Sinclair...

I have found myself so caught up in this Presidential Election that sometimes it consumes me more than I think... I keep quiet at work and make sure I do not share my viewpoints about my political beliefs so not to ruffle any feathers with the people I work with and I do not send out any forwards about the political candidates that I receive from others, with the exception of Obama and Palin on Dancing with the Stars that Nancy sent me today... good one Nancy! The only person that I share my viewpoints with is my sister. I can rant and rave about how I feel and I know that she understands where I am coming from... I do not want to offend anybody and their viewpoints because there are 2 things that I feel that can make enemies very fast... POLITICS and RELIGION! As many of you know, I am devoted to my faith as a Catholic and I am a Democrat; liberal to the end!

When I was in college I took a literature class and was introduced to Upton Sinclair. I had to read "The Jungle" and I was very awaken by this novel. It really opened my eyes to the unknown, the meat packing industry and how we have to educate ourselves behind the hidden walls of certain issues. The book has stayed with me and I have read it at least 3 times since. Upton Sinclair was a man before his time and I have since been moved by a quote of his that I have on my blog:

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a Cross"

Today, one of our 1st grade teachers at school got a call from his sister in Albuquerque that she was being deployed to Iraq this evening. He had to go down to Albuquerque to say good bye to his sister and he had this look of fear and sadness in his eyes. I didn't know what to say at that moment so I gave him a hug and told him that his sister will be in my prayers. He wasn't thinking about his sister going to Iraq to keep American's safe and protecting our country ... he was going to the airport to say good-bye to his little sister who was leaving to a dangerous and unfamiliar region.
I was furious!! All of a sudden I was angry and thought of Upton Sinclair's quote! Talking about the straw that broke the camels back! Sinclair's ever powerful quote summed up how I am feeling about my country, the leader of my country and how I want CHANGE for my country...

Whew... now I am going to have a big glass of Merlot to calm my spirit... In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit... AMEN!!!