Here are a few memories that I would like to share:
#1 I know you are sorry for slapping me with the wrapping paper tubes
until I had welts on my legs.
#2 Thank you for hitting me on the back when you made me choke on
the tortilla I was eating.
#3 I have finally forgiven you and Norma for taking my new 1980 Corolla
and not stripping the gears when you got stuck on Gage Ave. when
you were both just going to move the car from the street to the driveway!
#4 I am truly sorry for laughing at you at J.C. Penny's Beauty Salon
when you got that really poofy, and I mean poofy perm!
#5 I really thought it was cool that you liked that song
"Don't give up on us baby" by "Hutch" from Starsky and Hutch.
Didn't you buy the 45?
#6 After 26 years, I can now use Super Glue without having
flashbacks about gluing tiny rhinestone to the netting of your
bronze prom dress!
#7 Thank you for running super fast those times Mom was chasing
us around the kitchen and living room at the house at Park Drive
when we would get in trouble!
#8 Thank you for being the best Tia in the world to Andrew and having
laugh- fests with him about his crazy Mom! He adores you more than
anyone in the world and considers you one of his parents!
That boy of mine just thinks the world of you.
#9 Thank you for allowing me to give my nieces candy when I visit
staying up past their bedtime when I come to visit.
#10 and... Mom was right when she told us that when she and dad
were gone we would only have each other to count on.
How did she know that we would be as close as we are and
we are there for one another even if we are separated by 900 miles?
Thanks for being the best sister in the world! I could not
imagine my life without you in it!
Happy Birthday Mija! You are truly a Phenomenal Woman!
I love you so much!!!