Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations President Obama!

Finally, our country has spoken loud and clear! For once, our fellow Americans realized that our country needed a change and that change will lead to progress. I was glued to the TV last night with Andrew... together, my son and I watched as the results came in. When the West Coast results came in and I saw that Obama was to be our 44th president, I immediately hugged my son and I sobbed! I was able to share this historical moment with my son. I will never forget that (sniff, sniff)! Gene's son Marcos contacted me and he was jubilant! I was touched that the youth of America came out strong and got involved... I am still basking in such emotion right now and to be honest, I want this feeling to last for awhile.

So today my fellow Democrats, if you get a chance to twirl or skip just do it! We have the right to do so... when you drive home from work tonight, blast your radio and groove to the music. Feel the CHANGE and celebrate that change that is in the air.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Today is Los Dia de Los Muertos and I am celebrating the lives of my Mother and Father by sharing funny stories about them...and there were many, listening to their favorite music, cooking traditional Mexican food and for dessert, chocolate cake (those of you that knew my father, a meal wasn't complete unless it ended with chocolate cake).

I will not go into grand detail about the history of Dia de Los Muertos, that is what Google is for, but I will tell you that this day means a lot to me... not only is it part of my Mexican Heritage it is part of the Catholic faith which I treasure dearly.

I celebrate the Day of the Dead with my students and they made altars for their loved one(s) who died. We even made sugar skulls in art class! It was a great lesson that they enjoyed and was wonderful for me to share my parents lives and explain the tradition of "The Day" as I call it, with my 2nd graders. We all had a great time and they were so proud of their altars.

So today, think of your loved ones with laughter, song, and food! Keep them alive in your heart!

Altars made by students

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Say Hello to Limoncello!

Gene and I bought a bottle of Limoncello at Trader Joe's last night and was it ever yummy but potent! I have always been curious about Limoncello after watching Samantha Brown's Getaway Travel Show on the Travel Channel . She visited Sorrento Italy and met the master of Limoncello making. She visited his Lemon orchard which are known to make the best Limoncello. Then one day I was watching The View and Danny DeVito was on the show and he was drunk! He said he had been drinking Limoncello the night before with George Clooney. He said they had shared a bottle together. I thought, "How can anyone get drunk with a few glasses of alcohol mixed with lemon"... Gene and I now understand why.

We bought a bottle of Villa Massa Limoncello and it is made with Sorrento Lemons. We just had a small shot and POW! It is tangy and it warms your body as the liqueur goes down your throat. One glass was all we needed for the night. I felt warm and tangy the rest of night. I even called my sister close to midnight to ask her a question and didn't even realize what time it was. I woke her up and could not apologize enough to her. Needless to say both Gene and I slept like babies. I have decided that Limoncello is my new drink! You can mix it with Champagne and also make desserts with it. Isn't that a hoot!

I like discovering new types of drinks. Having a 17 year old one needs to be a little numb to get through the daily challenges of raising a teenager. Things like chocolate, wine, waffles with strawberries, and now Limoncello do help to get me though those challenging days. So, if you have not experience Limoncello, I recommend you do. If you are stressed at work, your husband is getting on your nerves, your kids are driving you bonkers or you just need to celebrate another day of living, Limoncello is the drink for you! So to you my dear friends, Salude! Have a great Sunday and if you have a chance to get to Trader Joes, pick up a bottle of Villa Massa Limoncello, put it in the freezer, and pour a small glass for yourself or mix it with a glass of champagne and everything will come up roses, or should I say Lemons!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Upton Sinclair...

I have found myself so caught up in this Presidential Election that sometimes it consumes me more than I think... I keep quiet at work and make sure I do not share my viewpoints about my political beliefs so not to ruffle any feathers with the people I work with and I do not send out any forwards about the political candidates that I receive from others, with the exception of Obama and Palin on Dancing with the Stars that Nancy sent me today... good one Nancy! The only person that I share my viewpoints with is my sister. I can rant and rave about how I feel and I know that she understands where I am coming from... I do not want to offend anybody and their viewpoints because there are 2 things that I feel that can make enemies very fast... POLITICS and RELIGION! As many of you know, I am devoted to my faith as a Catholic and I am a Democrat; liberal to the end!

When I was in college I took a literature class and was introduced to Upton Sinclair. I had to read "The Jungle" and I was very awaken by this novel. It really opened my eyes to the unknown, the meat packing industry and how we have to educate ourselves behind the hidden walls of certain issues. The book has stayed with me and I have read it at least 3 times since. Upton Sinclair was a man before his time and I have since been moved by a quote of his that I have on my blog:

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a Cross"

Today, one of our 1st grade teachers at school got a call from his sister in Albuquerque that she was being deployed to Iraq this evening. He had to go down to Albuquerque to say good bye to his sister and he had this look of fear and sadness in his eyes. I didn't know what to say at that moment so I gave him a hug and told him that his sister will be in my prayers. He wasn't thinking about his sister going to Iraq to keep American's safe and protecting our country ... he was going to the airport to say good-bye to his little sister who was leaving to a dangerous and unfamiliar region.
I was furious!! All of a sudden I was angry and thought of Upton Sinclair's quote! Talking about the straw that broke the camels back! Sinclair's ever powerful quote summed up how I am feeling about my country, the leader of my country and how I want CHANGE for my country...

Whew... now I am going to have a big glass of Merlot to calm my spirit... In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit... AMEN!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And so the Senior Activities Begin...

Tomorrow is Andrew's Ring Ceremony at his school tomorrow morning. I just finished ironing his "garb" for the occasion and just started crying! Needless to say I didn't need the spray bottle to finish his shirt. They weren't sad tears but they were "What the hell happened" tears. I found myself wondering how I got to this point. My child will be receiving his class ring tomorrow! Wow!!!

I couldn't help but think of my parents and how proud they would be. Andrew was the light of their lives...especially my mothers! So tonight as I iron my Andrew's clothes for his big day tomorrow, I have my parents on my mind. These are the times that I wish they could be here enjoying this special moment with Andrew. I know in my heart that they are with him in spirit.

Gene and I are took the day off for the big ceremony. I already told Gene that we have to get there extra early so I can get a good seat! This is about me now and I want to make sure I get a decent seat so I can take tons of pictures. Gene does not argue with me anymore because he knows how I am. My family tells me that I have a touch of OCD and even though I tell them I do not, I really do. Things have to be just so in my life and if they are not, someone will have to suffer for it! So Gene and Andrew have just learned to straighten out and fly right when it comes to my OCD.

I will be posting picture tomorrow on Andrew's Blog, so stay tuned. I already packed my box of tissue and made sure my camera has new batteries. I told Andrew that I won't make a scene and he just rolled his eyes. He saw the box of Kleenex and said under his breath, "I'm in trouble now!"

And to my beautiful sister... I wish you could be here tomorrow, but I will take tons of pictures and send them to you. I will give you a play by play of the day when you call me on your way home from work. You should see your nephew's outfit! He looks absolutely smashing and I could not help but think, "Mijo sure got his fashion sense from his Tia!" You know he loves you more than his shoes!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I really can't take pictures of how I am feeling these days so no pictures at the beginning of my post will be found. All I can share is that I am not handling changes in my life very well and I am usually one who loves change. Hell, I moved to Santa Fe leaving the only state I had ever lived in!

I think it all started when my principal, Sr. Phyllis announced that she would be leaving our school back in March. Now, I have been teaching for a very long time and have been through many a principal. You get used to the new one and life moves on. So when Sr. Phyllis announced she was leaving I about dropped my Rosary. I was so would think as long as I have been teaching and have gone through 9 principals I would be able to handle this change like a champ... NOPE, not a chance. I cried and was very sad for a long time. Why was I having a tough time with this? This is the question I would ask myself daily. I just enjoyed working with her and finally found a principal that was true to her profession and calling.

It finally hit me this morning when my sister Lisa made a post on her blog about my niece Isabella entering Pre-K. BONK!! It hit like a ton of bricks... too many changes and my emotions can't keep up with these changes.

First, Andrew enters his Senior year and I am having some issues with that. Senior Class ring, Senior Pictures, Senior Fees, ACT and SAT registration, college applications and having to go to a parent meeting for their senior student! My head is spinning and not even my favorite BOTTLE (not a glass mind you) of wine can cure it. Andrew already has "senioritis" and I am losing control. My poor son... I just tell him to be patient with me...I am going to be up and down all through his senior year.

Lisa posted pictures of my precious Bella in her Pre-K class! My baby is going to be in Kindergarten next year! And then my little Maggie is already speaking in sentences. We were so worried about her not talking and within weeks she is just blabbing away. When I talk to her on the phone she answers, "Hi Te-Te (Tia) I love you." Oh my Lord, my head is spinning and I am unable to put head between my knees to breathe! I guess I will have to lose 50 pounds in order to put my head between my knees... another change! Someone find Father Time and slash his tires!!!

The thing that makes me laugh (once I have 2 or 3 glasses of wine in my system) is that I always welcomed change with open arms. That is why I love fashion so much... every year there is a different style of of clothing, colors, handbags, shoes and make up. I would buy all the fashion magazines in the summer to see what Fall Fashions were in style for the season... now I find myself buying Family Circle, Women's Day, Good Housekeeping and Martha Stewart Living.

So for the meantime, I take each day slowly and cuss out Father Time on a daily basis and am just hanging onto life with both hands. I do thank God each day for my sister Lisa because she listens to me rant and rave about change and she just listens and will laugh at my comments on life. I don't know how I get through my days without our daily chats on the phone! That is definitely one thing that can never change!

My wonderful son already sharing his political views on his T-Shirt... I am so proud of him and of his liberal way of thinking.

My beautiful Pre-K Bella... she is the apple of her Tia's eye!

My beautiful sister and my precious Maggie dancing away! They were grooving to a great song together.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Day!!

Today is my father's 75th birthday and I could not help but think of him throughout the day. Lisa and I were on the phone with one another this morning and we both were feeling the void of not being able to call dad to wish him a Happy Birthday. I am so glad that I have my sister in my life... she is the one who grounds me and gives me a strength about life that I don't think she is aware of... she reminds me of my father constantly... Lisa is a lot like my dad. She has his humor, quick wit, and wonderful sense of self.

My dad was not detailed at all... he was always telling my mother, "Get to the point Helen," and it would drive her mad. My mother was detailed and you would never know what her story was about because she went into great detail about the situation and it eventually became a satire. I am like my mother... Lisa is like dad... straight to the point and can give you that one line zinger that will bust you up! No one can make me laugh like Lisa. She is a constant reminder of my father and that is what I love so much about her... she does the same thing to her husband Albert... always reminding him to "Get to the point Al!" I just love it!!!

Dad died suddenly 3 years ago. Lisa and I were talking about that this morning... he was ready to leave this planet... he was tired and I believe he missed my mother very much. They drove one another nuts, but they had a unique relationship that I am still trying to figure out. We were sadden by my father's death, but we knew that he was ready. He confided in Lisa a lot. He told her he was tired and ready to go. They really had such a bond and no one could get through to my dad like Lisa. He was a stubborn old fool and Lisa was the only one who could make him laugh hard and then he would tell her she was right. He never told anyone they were right. He thought most people were full of.... but he didn't think that of Lisa. He admired her honestly and directness. My father lives through Lisa and that brings such comfort to me...

I can go on and on about my father... his crazy but honest life. His love for history living an honest and truthful life, his grandson Andrew and new granddaughter Isabella (he never met my little Maggie), his knives (like I said, my dad was a bit nuts), and his great love for music. But what I will remember most about my father is his one-liners... Here are just a few:

~Silence is Golden
~You people are always late!
~Tell them to go to Hell mija!
~I wasn't talking to you!
~What do you care what people think of you...
~Shut up and listen!
~The truth always hurts...
~Be honest with people weather they want to hear it or not.

These are just a few of his one-liners that I keep close to my heart. Thank you Dad! I miss you more than my luggage!!


Andrew and and his "Papa" at Christmas Eve 2004. It was the last Christmas we spent with dad.

Dad with Bella. He just adored his little granddaughter and loved that she

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Good Bye Summer, Hello Green Chile!!

Well, it is time to say good-bye to summer even though technically summer doesn't end until Sept. 21st, but in Santa Fe, one begins to know it is Fall by the smell of Green Chile roasting throughout the city. It is exciting to see the roasters in the parking lots of grocery stores... the first sign of Fall. I am always sad to see summer end but I must admit that I love Fall in Santa Fe...something I never quite experienced living in CA. The weather gets cooler and the leaves change to red, yellow and orange. The Aspens begin to turn and it is a beautiful sight to take a drive up to the basin and see the Aspens first hand. Their golden leaves are amazing!!

Saturday, Gene and I got up early and went to the produce market to buy our bag of green chile, and Ziplock Freezer bags. We were so excited to be able to get our chile so we can bag it and load up the freezer with quart size bags of peeled green chile. It was an all day production, but we managed to get 30 bags done! Gene's eyes were dancing with excitement as our bag of chile was being roasted! He was so happy to have his green chile for the season... We were down to 1 bag from last years batch so we knew it was time to load up the freezer for the year.

I must admit that I enjoy the flavor of green chile. I am not a chile eater, but I do like the taste of green chile. When the cold hits I bring out the ever famous "Crock Pot" (Andrew cringes when I bring out the crock pot) and make green chile stew, pot roast with green chile and whatever concoction I can think of... Gene will make his famous green chili chicken enchilada casserole from time to time and is it ever yummy! Comfort food is in order for Fall and especially Winter around here. It is nice to come in from the cold and have a warm meal ready to gobble up and warm up them bones.

So, good-bye summer... I am going to miss wearing my capri pants, slipping on my sandals, and wearing light cotton blouses. Time to bring out the long pants, light sweaters, and my closed toe shoes... But I feel a bit better saying good-bye to summer because just knowing I have green chile in my freezer makes things look a whole lot brighter!!

The best green chile comes from Hatch, NM... Green Chile capitol of the world!

Bags of green chile waiting to be roasted... this year we got medium-hot.

Our bag of green chile getting fired up for a tumble in the roaster.

Our bag of green chile getting roasted... the smell is fabulous!!

Gene carrying our roasted chile to the car! We could not wait to get it home, let it cool a bit so we could start peeling it, bag it and then freeze it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Does wine and coffee mix??!!!

You know you are having it rough when at 10:00 a.m. your asking yourself, "Is it to early to have a glass of wine?" I was out of Baily's Irish Creme to add to my coffee and the only alcohol I had in the house was a bottle of Merlot. I pondered for awhile, "Could I add wine into my cup of coffee?"

This morning Andrew and I had a an appointment at the photography studio for his senior picture... my first question was, "A consultation?" We walked into the studio and Denise greeted us with a smile and walked us into a small room to share a digital presentation about their photo studio. We saw a small presentation video that last approx. 5 minutes and then she moved us to another area of the studio. Mind you, I am still fuzzy about the consultation. Anyhoo, Andrew and I sat there with Denise as she explained to various poses that Andrew can have and what he should wear, what were his hobbies, what was his favorite color, etc, etc, etc... I finally asked her, "Denise, what type of packages do you offer?" She looked at me like I was speaking in tongue and then said, "We do not offer packages. We have selections." Selections?! I knew right then and there I was going to have to sell Andrew in order to buy these Senior Selections!!! The cheapest "SELECTION" which is an 8 x 10 with a border and 5 shots of Andrew in various poses is priced at $325!!!! My head started spinning, my eyes began to cross and then my mouth went dry.

All of a sudden, my mother flashed into my head and I went back in time to 1980 when I was taking my senior pictures and my mother said, "Buy the cheapest package Sylvia!!!" I remember going in with my friends to take my pictures. It was held at school in the old Art Room. I took a picture in my cap and gown, one in a blue fur drape, and then one in an outfit of my choice. That was it!!! The package I chose was $25 and my mother still thought that was too expensive. Now we have SELECTIONS!! I just couldn't believe my ears! What a scam! I told Denise that we had to think about it and I would get back to her about my decision.

As Andrew and I drove away we were both silent in the car. I broke the silence and said to him, "What in the world was that all about?!" I told him maybe we should consider going to Sears to take his pictures... he did not find any humor in my comment and did not respond. We made it home and I found my way to the coffee maker. I poured my coffee into my favorite mug and thought... "Hmmm... does wine and coffee mix?" I am still in shock about the cost of those pictures and realize that this is just the beginning of Andrew's Senior Year.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my Mom Helen's birthday and needless to say, she is on my mind from the moment I woke up. I got up, poured a cup of coffee, lit my candle near her picture, and just sat on the couch thinking of her. She would have been 72 years old.

I miss my mom very much and there are days that it seems like she has been gone a lifetime and then there are days it seems like she has been gone since yesterday. I can't get past the "It was God's will" as of yet, because the daughter in me wants her here with her daughters and grandchildren... each time I go home to CA and watch my niece's Bella and Maggie and I think of Mom and how much she would have loved her precious granddaughters. She would be at her sewing machine making cute summer dresses for them and would love buying them all kinds of books, crayons, coloring books, and fun little girl toys. Oh, and she would be so amazed with Andrew. She loved him dearly and Andrew could do no wrong in her eyes. She just loved being a grandma and Andrew just adored her. He remembers her and does ask me questions about her, but I do wish he could have known her better.

Lisa and I keep her traditions alive. Lisa really keeps the holiday traditions going and has mastered the Tamale making to a "T". She has even mastered the making of Bunuelos and the Mexican style of Posole. Yumba!! Mom would have been so proud of her and I am so grateful that Lisa has kept that important part of Mom's traditions alive. It really makes our holiday's extra special.

My mother was an amazing woman. She was quirky at times (something I got from her) but so much fun! She made our lives safe and both Lisa and I felt such love from her. She was strict and very consistent as a parent and that would drive Lisa and I insane when we were young, but I am grateful to her for that... it kept me on track and I don't crash and fall when life doesn't keep on a straight path. That is the gift that both Lisa and I cherish.

For those that knew my Mom you know how loud she was! From her conversations, her laughter and her slapping doors shut! Lisa and I were laughing this summer because we both noticed how loud we are too! We were driving my poor brother-in-law crazy with our loud conversations and slapping and slamming of cabinet doors, the microwave door, the fire door into the garage and every other object that has a door. Right then and there I knew I didn't want to change who I was because that would be letting go of some of my mother's characteristics. So I will continue to talk loud, slam doors and laugh loud because that is part of my Mother that I have in spirit.

So, today I will continue to celebrate the day of my mother's birth; I will buy a cake and sing Happy Birthday to her. I will have a glass of her favorite wine, Johannesburg Riesling, and make sure I laugh out loud while I share silly stories about her to Gene. So, Happy Birthday my beloved mother... not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts and prayers!

Mom at a student activity event at her school she worked at: June 20, 1978

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shake, Rattle and Roll!!

Oh my Lord... Southern California just had an earthquake and needless to say, when I heard, I went into panic mode! My beloved family!!! The epicenter is approximately 8 miles from where my sister Lisa and her family live! Andrew is still out there and my heart just sank when I heard the breaking news. I tried to call immediately, but I could not get through. This is where my Catholic Faith intervenes and you start calling on God, the Blessed Mother and all the Saints!!! I had my Rosary on standby. I just waited patiently and knew that Lisa would call. I was reorganizing my art room when I heard the news... finally, Lisa called and she informed me that everyone was fine. She informed me that Andrew was at a local skate park with a good friend when the ground started shaking and he was a bit startled. He has been through some big Earthquakes when we lived in CA, but he was little and did not remember them. This one he felt. Lisa was on the freeway going to work and she said she didn't feel a thing, but news of the Earthquake came through on the radio station she was listening to. My precious nieces were with my brother-in-law Albert and he immediately grabbed the girls and the 3 of them stood in the doorway. He did tell Lisa that Bella was very frightened. My poor baby girl!! Those earthquakes come fast and fierce!!

I finally reached Andrew and he sounded ok... I asked him about the earthquake and he didn't say much... he said he was sitting down on the grass and he really felt the movement. I know it shook him up a bit, but I feel so much better that he is with Lisa and she will make sure he is fine... he tends to hold a lot in, but he will share his feelings with Lisa... they are very close and he adores his "Tia" with all of his heart!

Thank goodness my beloved family is fine. I called Gene and told him everyone is fine and he needs to bring home a bottle of WINE!! I will tend to my art room tomorrow... what a day!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Spanish Market 2008

It is Spanish Market Weekend here in Santa Fe and it is my favorite event of all in Santa Fe. The artists are amazing and I love looking at each booth at all the incredible pieces on display. Most of the artists are from Northern New Mexico and their love for their Spanish Heritage comes through in their artwork which is passed down from generation to generation. One of the requirements to participate in Spanish Market, is the artist must prove they are of Spanish decent.

Gene and I got up early. We went to have breakfast at The Santa Fe Baking Company, our favorite breakfast spot and then we headed over to the Plaza. It gets very crowded but it wasn't too bad this morning because it was raining and it seemed to keep some people away. We were able to walk without tripping or stepping on someone. The summer rain felt great and we walked around in the rain checking out all the beautiful artwork and chatting with the artists. Once the rain let up, people appeared from no where!

The best part of Spanish Market is the Youth Market. There is one youth artist in particular that I am a big fan of; Christina Valdez. She is now 14 and will be entering high school this year. When she was in 3rd grade she was in my class. She creates Retablos (painting on wood with natural colored elements) and her work is just gorgeous! I bought a Retablo from her when she was a 5th grader and I have it hanging in my dining room. I am her biggest fan! She has won honors for her work and has a few of her pieces hanging in the Spanish Heritage Museum. I made sure to go straight to her booth this morning.

This year, a very dear friend of the family was in Spanish Market for the first time ever. Della creates Straw Art Applique. Her work is absolutely stunning! There was a write up about Della and her work in one of our local papers. We went to her booth and I couldn't believe all her gorgeous pieces. People were buzzing around her booth and purchasing her work. Congrats Della!

We really had a great morning and saw a lot of people we knew enjoying the music, food and especially the artwork. Everyone was happy and despite the rain in the morning, Spanish Market 2008 was a success!

Gene standing in front of the bandstand... there is some great music always going on at Spanish Market!

My former student Christina at her booth with her Retablos. She had sold several in the early morning and only had 3 left on her table!!

Della in from of her gorgeous Straw Applique pieces at her booth. Beautiful work Della!

Great music on the Plaza Bandstand! Gene was having so much fun listening to the music and I could see him from a distance moving his shoulders and feeling the music.

Beautiful Retablos... the artist is the one wearing the hat...

More artwork...

The rain didn't keep the shoppers away! A beautiful shot of the centerpiece of Santa Fe... The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thoughts of my mother...

My visit to CA was such a meaningful visit. I spent a lot of time with my sister Lisa just chit chatting like we always have. It felt so good being with her and my nieces Bella and Maggie. Lisa and I have had to lean on one another since Mom and Dad are no longer with us, and if anything, it has brought us closer even though we live 900 miles apart (I hope that will change one day soon...I do miss CA).

When I was in CA Lisa and I took our children to Los Angeles... we had lunch at the San Antonio Winery, then we found our way to The Mercado in East Los Angeles. Oh how that brought back so many memories for us. Our parents used to take us there when we were young and Lisa and I thought it was the greatest thing. We would get Mexican candy, "Raspadas" (Snowcones) and we loved looking at all the cochinadas"(inexpensive toys that would break by the time you got home). My loving son Andrew had never been there before and he was silent as we drove through East L.A. It was a culture shock for him. He got a kick out of hearing Lisa and I reminiscing about our childhood. We went into the Mercado and he was amazed of all the little shops and restaurants. He got a pair of Jordan shoes and Bella got a pair of pink sandals which were made in Mexico. Maggie got a "cochinada" toy and everyone was happy with their purchases. The whole time were were at the Mercado I was thinking of my Mom. She went to the Mercado to buy her Mexican herbs, spices, and medicine. The biggest treat for Mom was buying pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread) and a cup of coffee. She loved going to the Mercado in the mornings because the pan dulce was warm. It was those little things that made my mother so happy. Lisa and I both love pan dulce, but I have to say, Lisa has a love for it more than I do. Her eyes light up just like Mom's when she has her piece of pan dulce and a hot cup of coffee.

We then went to our childhood home in Bell, CA and drove around Bell showing Andrew where we went to school, our favorite hangout, Newberry's, and Sav-ons, and then we showed him the house we grew up in. We even showed him the church where we made our Communion and I made my Confirmation at. Again, I thought of my Mom... she was very devoted to her Catholic Faith and made sure Lisa and I completed our Sacraments and attended CCD classes at our parish. There was only one Religion in my Mom's eyes... I was about 10 years old and a friend of mine belonged to a "Non-Catholic" Church... I went to church with my friend on a Saturday Night and when I went home I told my mom how nice the service was. She didn't say a word to me, but when I told her that I wanted to go back to my friends church she looked at me and told me loud and clear, "NO! That was all she had to say and the next day we were at Mass at our parish at 8:00a.m. I never attended a "Non-Catholic" Church as a kid!

The above picture is a photo of my Mom Helen in her younger days... isn't she a looker?! Well, it is now time for me to make my coffee, and have my pan dulce, then I will light my candle and pray my Rosary... hmm? Think Helen had an impact on my life?

Friday, July 18, 2008

See what little sisters can do to you?!

I am going to begin a personal blog for myself. It is all my sister Lisa's fault! She got me hooked! Those little sisters...I tell ya!

Seriously, it is a wonderful way to stay in touch with family and friends and keep everyone updated with my life. Lisa's blogs have kept me in touch with my nieces lives and with my sweet sister's life. I no longer feel "out of touch" with my beautiful nieces and my sister.

So, I hope you enjoy my updates here and there... and for those family members that tell me I do not stay in touch, SO THERE, you now got what you asked for!