Today is my father's 75th birthday and I could not help but think of him throughout the day. Lisa and I were on the phone with one another this morning and we both were feeling the void of not being able to call dad to wish him a Happy Birthday. I am so glad that I have my sister in my life... she is the one who grounds me and gives me a strength about life that I don't think she is aware of... she reminds me of my father constantly... Lisa is a lot like my dad. She has his humor, quick wit, and wonderful sense of self.
My dad was not detailed at all... he was always telling my mother, "Get to the point Helen," and it would drive her mad. My mother was detailed and you would never know what her story was about because she went into great detail about the situation and it eventually became a satire. I am like my mother... Lisa is like dad... straight to the point and can give you that one line zinger that will bust you up! No one can make me laugh like Lisa. She is a constant reminder of my father and that is what I love so much about her... she does the same thing to her husband Albert... always reminding him to "Get to the point Al!" I just love it!!!
Dad died suddenly 3 years ago. Lisa and I were talking about that this morning... he was ready to leave this planet... he was tired and I believe he missed my mother very much. They drove one another nuts, but they had a unique relationship that I am still trying to figure out. We were sadden by my father's death, but we knew that he was ready. He confided in Lisa a lot. He told her he was tired and ready to go. They really had such a bond and no one could get through to my dad like Lisa. He was a stubborn old fool and Lisa was the only one who could make him laugh hard and then he would tell her she was right. He never told anyone they were right. He thought most people were full of.... but he didn't think that of Lisa. He admired her honestly and directness. My father lives through Lisa and that brings such comfort to me...
I can go on and on about my father... his crazy but honest life. His love for history living an honest and truthful life, his grandson Andrew and new granddaughter Isabella (he never met my little Maggie), his knives (like I said, my dad was a bit nuts), and his great love for music. But what I will remember most about my father is his one-liners... Here are just a few:
~Silence is Golden
~You people are always late!
~Tell them to go to Hell mija!
~I wasn't talking to you!
~What do you care what people think of you...
~Shut up and listen!
~The truth always hurts...
~Be honest with people weather they want to hear it or not.
These are just a few of his one-liners that I keep close to my heart. Thank you Dad! I miss you more than my luggage!!
That is such a sweet post. Thanks Syl. I miss our silly dad. I learned so much from him in so many ways - yes some crazy ways too. He was a teacher for me. I miss him. He was such a character and I love that - always true to himself and like no one else I will ever know. The post made my day!
Aww Syl - I found myself catching up with your blog. I have been slacking off since football season started with Chris. Now they are beginning basketball season so things are going to get real crazy!!
I read this blog and instantly remember the good times we had with your dad!! I laughed out loud thinking about all of the times he would say "Norma, go home.." LOL I loved your parents and cherish all of the many memories we shared as kids. I miss you guys so much and wish that we could see each other more often. I Love you and keep blogging, I'll sneak a peek every chance I get....
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