Oh my Lord... Southern California just had an earthquake and needless to say, when I heard, I went into panic mode! My beloved family!!! The epicenter is approximately 8 miles from where my sister Lisa and her family live! Andrew is still out there and my heart just sank when I heard the breaking news. I tried to call immediately, but I could not get through. This is where my Catholic Faith intervenes and you start calling on God, the Blessed Mother and all the Saints!!! I had my Rosary on standby. I just waited patiently and knew that Lisa would call. I was reorganizing my art room when I heard the news... finally, Lisa called and she informed me that everyone was fine. She informed me that Andrew was at a local skate park with a good friend when the ground started shaking and he was a bit startled. He has been through some big Earthquakes when we lived in CA, but he was little and did not remember them. This one he felt. Lisa was on the freeway going to work and she said she didn't feel a thing, but news of the Earthquake came through on the radio station she was listening to. My precious nieces were with my brother-in-law Albert and he immediately grabbed the girls and the 3 of them stood in the doorway. He did tell Lisa that Bella was very frightened. My poor baby girl!! Those earthquakes come fast and fierce!!

I finally reached Andrew and he sounded ok... I asked him about the earthquake and he didn't say much... he said he was sitting down on the grass and he really felt the movement. I know it shook him up a bit, but I feel so much better that he is with Lisa and she will make sure he is fine... he tends to hold a lot in, but he will share his feelings with Lisa... they are very close and he adores his "Tia" with all of his heart!
Thank goodness my beloved family is fine. I called Gene and told him everyone is
fine and he needs to bring home a bottle of WINE!! I will tend to my art room tomorrow... what a day!!!
1 comment:
Yes, it shook us up a little bit, but we are fine! I don't think one ever gets used to those things! Hey, I noticed your blog list on the righthand column. Ooohhh...getting fancy. I love it! I love it! I love it!
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