When I was in college I took a literature class and was introduced to Upton Sinclair. I had to read "The Jungle" and I was very awaken by this novel. It really opened my eyes to the unknown, the meat packing industry and how we have to educate ourselves behind the hidden walls of certain issues. The book has stayed with me and I have read it at least 3 times since. Upton Sinclair was a man before his time and I have since been moved by a quote of his that I have on my blog:
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a Cross"
Today, one of our 1st grade teachers at school got a call from his sister in Albuquerque that she was being deployed to Iraq this evening. He had to go down to Albuquerque to say good bye to his sister and he had this look of fear and sadness in his eyes. I didn't know what to say at that moment so I gave him a hug and told him that his sister will be in my prayers. He wasn't thinking about his sister going to Iraq to keep American's safe and protecting our country ... he was going to the airport to say good-bye to his little sister who was leaving to a dangerous and unfamiliar region. I was furious!! All of a sudden I was angry and thought of Upton Sinclair's quote! Talking about the straw that broke the camels back! Sinclair's ever powerful quote summed up how I am feeling about my country, the leader of my country and how I want CHANGE for my country...
Whew... now I am going to have a big glass of Merlot to calm my spirit... In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit... AMEN!!!
Great post! I sure hope we do get the change we need in this country. We cannot take much more of the current state of affairs.
Mmmmmmmmm I love that stuff too! It tastes great mixed with vodka and a little 7-up ( gives it a fizzy quality) I'll make you one the next time you are here, Hurry!!!!!
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