I really can't take pictures of how I am feeling these days so no pictures at the beginning of my post will be found. All I can share is that I am not handling changes in my life very well and I am usually one who loves change. Hell, I moved to Santa Fe leaving the only state I had ever lived in!
I think it all started when my principal, Sr. Phyllis announced that she would be leaving our school back in March. Now, I have been teaching for a very long time and have been through many a principal. You get used to the new one and life moves on. So when Sr. Phyllis announced she was leaving I about dropped my Rosary. I was so upset...you would think as long as I have been teaching and have gone through 9 principals I would be able to handle this change like a champ... NOPE, not a chance. I cried and was very sad for a long time. Why was I having a tough time with this? This is the question I would ask myself daily. I just enjoyed working with her and finally found a principal that was true to her profession and calling.
It finally hit me this morning when my sister Lisa made a post on her blog about my niece Isabella entering Pre-K. BONK!! It hit like a ton of bricks... too many changes and my emotions can't keep up with these changes.
First, Andrew enters his Senior year and I am having some issues with that. Senior Class ring, Senior Pictures, Senior Fees, ACT and SAT registration, college applications and having to go to a parent meeting for their senior student! My head is spinning and not even my favorite BOTTLE (not a glass mind you) of wine can cure it. Andrew already has "senioritis" and I am losing control. My poor son... I just tell him to be patient with me...I am going to be up and down all through his senior year.
Lisa posted pictures of my precious Bella in her Pre-K class! My baby is going to be in Kindergarten next year! And then my little Maggie is already speaking in sentences. We were so worried about her not talking and within weeks she is just blabbing away. When I talk to her on the phone she answers, "Hi Te-Te (Tia) I love you." Oh my Lord, my head is spinning and I am unable to put head between my knees to breathe! I guess I will have to lose 50 pounds in order to put my head between my knees... another change! Someone find Father Time and slash his tires!!!
The thing that makes me laugh (once I have 2 or 3 glasses of wine in my system) is that I always welcomed change with open arms. That is why I love fashion so much... every year there is a different style of of clothing, colors, handbags, shoes and make up. I would buy all the fashion magazines in the summer to see what Fall Fashions were in style for the season... now I find myself buying Family Circle, Women's Day, Good Housekeeping and Martha Stewart Living.
So for the meantime, I take each day slowly and cuss out Father Time on a daily basis and am just hanging onto life with both hands. I do thank God each day for my sister Lisa because she listens to me rant and rave about change and she just listens and will laugh at my comments on life. I don't know how I get through my days without our daily chats on the phone! That is definitely one thing that can never change!

My wonderful son already sharing his political views on his T-Shirt... I am so proud of him and of his liberal way of thinking.

My beautiful Pre-K Bella... she is the apple of her Tia's eye!

My beautiful sister and my precious Maggie dancing away! They were grooving to a great song together.